Terms & Conditions

  1. 1. The coupon is valid till 31st July 2024.
  2. 2. Cashback will be processed only for registered vouchers.
  3. 3. The Cashback amount will be credited in 24 working hrs,but in case of Public holiday and weekend the amount will be credited on the next working day.
  4. 4. In no event, Bank be liable for any abuse or misuse of the cash due to the negligence
  5. 5. The unique code cannot be redeemed or exchanged for another Gift Voucher/Gift Card.
  6. 6. The details of wallet have to be entered by the Retailer themselves.
  7. 7. If the Unique code is lost, misplaced or stolen, a new unique code will not be issued nor will the money be refunded in any manner.
  8. 8. RewardPort or Partner shall not be liable and responsible for any unauthorized and/or fraudulent purchase/s made using of the Cash reward. The holder of the voucher shall be solely responsible for the safe custody of the Unique code, cash reward and the credentials mentioned on it. Brand or RewardPort shall not be responsible and liable for any claim, loss & financial damages suffered by the holder of coupon by/upon sharing its Unique code, cash reward and the credentials to any third party
  9. 9. This is strictly a one-time usage code.
  10. 10. By participating in the Promotional Offer, the participant agrees to allow Garware to contact the participant for the purpose of this Promotional offer. Further the participant agrees that the data received during the Promotional Offer by Garware may be used for any further analysis/ promotion or marketing communications.
  11. 11. For promotional offer related queries you can write to us on garware@rewardport.in or call us on 8433999050 between Monday to Friday 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
  12. 12. The decision of Garware or its Partner Agency, as regards to the Promotional Offer shall be final. No correspondence or any other claims whatsoever, in this regard will be entertained.
  13. 13. No queries, claims, dispute, complaints or grievances pertaining to the Promotional Offer shall be entertained by Garware and its Partner Agency from the date of the closure of the Promotional Offer.
  14. 14. The prize cannot be exchanged, and is not transferable and cannot be converted into Physical cash.
  15. 15. This Promotional Offer shall be subject to Indian Laws and in case of any disputes, the Courts at Mumbai, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.